14 Needed

Media and Online Volunteer Opportunities

King Street Church

Our Media and Productions Team is a vital part of our weekly worship services! We have volunteer opportunities for those worshipping both in-person and online.

  • Media and Lyrics Operator: During worship services, advance lyrics and play videos and other service elements. Computer (Mac) experience and understanding of music features is helpful but not required. Our production and media team will provide training on our presentation software (ProPresenter). Typically the Media and Lyrics Operator attends practice for the service and rehearses with the worship team.
  • Online Host: Online services offer an option for those who are on vacation, those who are sick or home-bound — even people from other countries. The online host serves as a greeter, welcoming people, providing links and helpful resources during the service, and connecting a pastor to people who request that. Typically the online service host logs on 10-15 minutes before the assigned service and is done approximately 5 minutes after the service. Customer service, friendly personality and typing and technical skills are a plus. Our media team will provide training.
  • Video Camera Operator: During worship services, the video camera operator works with the video team to provide shots for the livestream and the sermon. The camera operator communicates with a video director to provide shots. Camera operators arrive 10-15 minutes before the assigned service and are done approximately 5 minutes after the service ends. Basic camera experience and understanding of focus and camera features is helpful, but not required. Our production team will provide training on our cameras and how to use them.

If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about these roles, please complete the form below. Someone from the Media and Production Team will be in touch shortly.


  • (check all that apply)